Communication activities @ Europe Day

In 2014, Europe Day was organized by the Europen Comission, the European Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Budapest, Erzsébet Square

Client: European Parliament Information Office for Hungary

Our task was given: to allocate the available budget for communication activities in order to reach with the message of the festival as many people as possible. The two weeks long intense ATL campaign included radio ads, outdoor elements, tram ads, printed and online banners. Besides these, we were very active on social media as well. Additionally, the day before the festival, we covered Erzsébet Square with 2000 blue and yellow balloons.

Thank to our PR work, the event was widely promoted, many interviews were made with the performers, and several coverage appeared in the media.

Although we were not lucky with the weather on Europe Day in 2014, thousands of people visited the venue and participated in the thematic programmes, enjoyed concerts and theatre performances.

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