Európa Pont – events

In cooperation with Subjective Values Foundation our company organizes programs and is responsible for the communication tasks of Európa Pont since 2011.

Client: European Commission Representation in Hungary

In cooperation with Subjective Values Foundation our company organizes programs and is responsible for the communication tasks of Európa Pont since 2011.
During the six years we organized almost 240 events, concerts, discussions, film screenings, professional round tables, exhibitions.
Besides the organizational tasks, we are responsible for the communication of the programs and occasionally for the invitation management.
During the last four years we brought performers and artists to the Európa Pont like Professor John Dunn, Félix Lajkó, Ferenc Snétberger, Wael Abbas, László Mérő, Európa Kiadó, Akkezdet Phiai, Anna and the Barbies or Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Their program fitted to the EU topic of the month.

Other portfolio

See our other portfolio

Cultural Bridge Gala


Communication activities @ Europe Day


Wines in Hungary


Europe is Us!
