European thematic years

The European Commission announces a so called European thematic year each year. The main objective of these years is to draw the European citizens’ attention to important matters concerning Europe and its future. Our agency took part in the implementation of two such years in Hungary.

Client: Media Consulta

2013 was the European Year of Citizens (EYC 2013) and 2015 was the European Year for Development (EYD 2015).

The aim of EYC 2013 was to raise the EU’s citizens’ awareness about their rights deriving from the EU membership. Ambassadors of this Hungarian campaign were: János Lackfi, Hungarian writer, poet and literary translator, Judit Polgár, chess grand master and Róbert Kárász, TV journalist.

The European Year for Development was the first European year to focus on external relations. The main objective of the EYD 2015 was to highlight the EU’s global responsibility; how it supports developing countries and regions outside its borders.

Many celebrities joined this campaign; for example Sena Dagadu, lead singer of Irie Maffia, Al Ghaoui Hesna reporter, journalist as well as Härtlein Károly, college professor, expert of the popular documentary series called ‘Brutal physics.

The Hungarian campaigns were coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and European Commission Representation in Hungary. Our agency was responsible – in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission Representation in Hungary – for the Hungarian communication of the campaigns.

We were responsible for compiling press releases, building media partnerships as well as for event organizational tasks. It was also our responsibility to contact ambassadors of the Year and to keep in touch with them throughout the two campaigns.

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Europe is Us!




Communication activities @ Europe Day


Európa Pont – events
