European Thinkers programme series

The European Thinkers programme series was launched by the European Commission Representation in Hungary in 2014, when they hosted several world-famous European thinkers who have greatly contributed to today’s economic and social achievements. One of their guests was for example Jürgen Habermas, German philosopher and sociologist.

Client: European Commission Representation in Hungary

The programme series continued in 2015. Maria Vincenza Desiderio, Policy Analyst at MPI Europe arrived in Budapest to hold a speech about the new EU policy on legal migration on 13 November.
Jamie Bartlett researcher on radicalism and Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos, Great Britain’s leading cross-party think-tank came to Hungary to talk about his book.
In 2016 Saad Amrani, Chief Counsellor to the Brussels Police Chief, while in 2017 Yann Arthus-Bertrand world famous photographer accepted our invitation.
Our agency was responsible for contacting the guest speaker and to invite them to Hungary as well as to organise the event.

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