Hungary Green Building Council

Our agency works pro bono for the Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC). The main areas of our co-operation are the positioning of HuGBC amongst the members, to activate them, member recruitment and internal communication.

The Hungary Green Building Council is a network of the real estate sector, the building industry and the construction sectors since 2009. The mission of HuGBC is to take part in the process of creation and evaluation of methods, regulations, subsidies of energy-efficient and sustainable construction and reconstruction, as well as promote the environmentally responsible consciousness. HuGBC provides the wider public with information about green building, and works closely with the institutions of higher education, in order to promote advanced, eco-friendly, and cost effective solutions and technology in education. HuGBC is a prospective member of the international World Green Building Council. It enables the Hungarian organisation to benefit from international experience, and provide Hungary with cutting-edge strategy principles and methodology.

We are delighted to share our professional knowledge with HuGBC, an economically and socially important initiative. We believe that in a close co-operation with our client, we will be able to contribute to their success with our strategic approach and efficient communication and networking services.

Other portfolio

See our other portfolio

Europe is Us!


Communication activities @ Europe Day


Get down to business I, II


European thematic years
